Beet's World 3.0


Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas for 2013! And have a happy new year in 2014! Don't let the octopi get you.
New drawings, yes sir!
Three new illustrations have been uploaded to the Illustrations section. The illustrated illustrations on the illustration page were illustrated by Andy Statia, the illustrator.
Avatar of the Month: Rowyu
It's April! It's been April for weeks now. Anyway, clearly this demands squids. So here they are, for this month's avatar, Rowyu.
Avatar of the Month: Rikk
March's avatar has really gotten juggled out of place with the seasons getting mixed up. Rikk breaks forth as the avatar of the month.
Avatar of the Month: Crash
This leap year is leaping winter back to where it should be! Crash arrives as the avatar of the month, bringing snow in his pounding wake.
Beet's World 3.0 Copyright © 2009 Andy Statia.