Merry Christmas!2013-12-25Merry Christmas for 2013! And have a happy new year in 2014! Don't let the octopi get you.
New drawings, yes sir!2013-01-31Three new illustrations have been uploaded to the Illustrations section. The illustrated illustrations on the illustration page were illustrated by Andy Statia, the illustrator.
Avatar of the Month: Rowyu2012-04-19It's April! It's been April for weeks now. Anyway, clearly this demands squids. So here they are, for this month's avatar, Rowyu.Avatar of the Month: Rikk2012-04-12March's avatar has really gotten juggled out of place with the seasons getting mixed up. Rikk breaks forth as the avatar of the month.Avatar of the Month: Crash2012-03-01This leap year is leaping winter back to where it should be! Crash arrives as the avatar of the month, bringing snow in his pounding wake.